As you know, these days any store with a computer and printer can make their feelings regarding cell phone use, food and drinks, restroom availability, etc known to their customers with just a few keystrokes.
As ever, however, just because something is simple doesn’t mean it’s easy. As I moved through my town the past week, I was so struck by two different businesses’ approach to their messaging that I wanted to share it with you.
In the first instance, below, despite the fact that I hadn’t yet entered the store I already felt a combination of spoken down to and reprimanded— a sensation that didn’t leave me longing to pull out my wallet.
In the second, as you can see, they also didn’t want snacking on site, but – as fervent Emily Post devotees can attest– the addition of a simple “please” made all the difference in how their message was received by me.
(Not to mention that their graceful use of the word “Sorry,” when alerting me to their lack of restroom availability also made that information far easier for me to countenance.)
Small things? Perhaps– until you consider the impact signage two had on my desire to spend my hard-earned cash.
So as you create the do’s and don’ts necessary to alert those around you to what you would like to have occur, never underestimate the value “Please” and “Sorry” have on others’ desire to sign up or sign out.