An Antidote to “Compare and Despair”

I don’t know how your fall is going but things around here have been feeling…heavy.

  • Maybe it’s the divisive political situation.
  • Maybe it’s the wars in this world.
  • Maybe it’s the unrelenting wackiness of the weather.

Maybe it’s a heady mix of all three.

In times like these, it’s easy to compare…and despair.

To think along the lines of,

  • “Remember when politics weren’t so charged?”
  • “Remember when people/borders were respected?”
  • “Remember when there were…(gasp) seasons?”

Faced with this I have found myself murmuring the below Sanskrit mantra: Purnamadha Purnamidam.

Loosely translated, it says:

“That is perfect. This is also perfect.

When you take the perfect from perfection, 

what is perfect remains.

Let there be peace, peace, peace.”

(Note: if ‘perfect’ is agitating, swap in “whole” or “complete”.)

And you don’t have to wait for distressing national, or international, news for this to come in handy. 

If aches and pains have you feeling crummy.

If a fallout with a loved one has you anxious.

If work is highly charged…

Stepping away from comparison and reminding yourself that what is occurring is – despite its outward appearance– in some way whole or complete can be a healing antidote.

Let there be peace, peace, peace.

P.S. I chose this picture of a recent sunrise and moonrise as—even when you can’t see them—both the sun and moon are perfect, whole, and complete.

For more on the power of choosing our thoughts wisely, look at “Powerless is Not Helpless”.