Stevie Wonder Might “Just” Have Been Calling to Say He Loves You…. For the Rest of Us? It’s Just Not a Great Choice
Many of you reached out to me after last week’s “Truly” post with requests to eradicate the misuse of additional words from everyday parlance (“Like” and “literally” were two top contenders.)
And while I agree that the misuse of both makes me, like, sick to my stomach, I decided to devote this week’s post to another filler word that, literally, makes you less effective.
(I’m sure you see, like, literally, how much stronger sentences are without our frenemies “like” and “literally”.)
At any rate.
What word am I talking about?
How does this show up?
For me, it shows up with a client who—and I played back approximately 20 messages to double check this was true—begins every telephone call with,
“I’m just calling to say….”
Say it!
Similarly, I am guessing you don’t “just” want me to know something or do something.
You want me to know it and you want me to do it.
So the next time you find yourself inserting this seemingly small word—perhaps thinking it softens your request—consider that it is, in fact, making you sound less authoritative and less effective than you are.
I’m just saying…
I’m saying it.