Overstuffed? Over Scheduled? Overwhelmed? Break this Law and Exhale

This past week, I learned about Parkinson’s Law, an observation made by economist C. Northcote Parkinson

Work expands to fill the time available.

We’ve all been therehave known days when a mere two or three tasks suck up a day.

And while this law is generally applied to time management, it can be generalized:

Move into a bigger house, you get more stuff.

Give yourself a bigger budget, you find ways to spend it.

Schedule time for a longer meeting and, surprise! (Or not, as I’m sure you’ve experienced) that’s how long the meeting takes.

As we enter the (ostensibly) lazy and languorous days of August, I thought I’d make you aware of Parkinson’s Law, on the off chance you’d like to – at least for one month— join me in breaking it.

Scale back on the getting and the talking and the doing.

Instead leaving space in your homes, your conversations, and your days for….space.

Let your exhale be what fills it.

I know you can do it, you outlaw. 

Let’s enjoy life on the lam.

For more on doing less, (and yes, I get the irony) look at “Abandon Presenteeism. Embrace Forgettery”.