This past Saturday I was deadheading roses and inadvertently cut a bud, so I placed it in a vase to watch it bloom.
Life intervened, and I ended up being away from home from Sunday morning until Tuesday night.
By the time I returned, my bud had blossomed and withered, reminding me of this quote from Sri Ramana Maharshi:
“When the flower blossoms it sends no invitation.”
Why am I writing about this today?
Because while some of us had our lives put on hold during this pandemic, others of us made the choice to put our lives on hold…to wait to blossom until the time was “right”.
The trouble with this kind of thinking is that we don’t actually have control over when, how, or even if things will be turning out as we imagine.
The world is not checking in with our timetable.
With this in mind, then, I advise you not to keep your joy, your talents, your dreams tightly wrapped until “everything” is in place/back to normal/ready to accept the gift you are here to be.
Don’t wait to see who is going to RSVP to your invitation.
Simply blossom.
For more on how to accept things as they are, rather than as we wish they were, take a look at “When We Don’t Make Anything Wrong”