Most of us know the phrase, “Tis better to give than to receive”. And while the popular interpretation is that you’re likely to feel better if you’re generous rather than stingy, I’m here to declare that it’s also possible it’s better because– for many of us– giving to/doing for others is easier than asking things of/allowing others to help us.
What do you think? Any takers on my theory?
Now if you’re (not) wondering why I’m bringing this up today—perhaps thinking this is merely another calendar-specific piece on the value of generosity— you’re about to discover you’re mistaken. Why? Because I am, in fact, about to ask you to do something for me: a state of affairs that made me so uncomfortable it took 3 days for me to write this post.
At any rate:
It seems I’ve been nominated as one of the Top 5 speakers in communication by, and in order to win I must ask others to vote for me. (At! It only takes a second! In the first category: communication!)
And while I am infinitely pleased/flattered/(frankly) thrilled to have been nominated, I am—as noted earlier— uncomfortable/queasy/(vaguely) horrified at having to ask you to vote.
That said, I’m going to: Please vote for me to win the Communication Award at this link: Not to mention (if you are so inclined) please ask your friends (3D and virtual), your neighbors, your colleagues, your mail carrier, your barista, your in-laws (hey, it’s a holiday icebreaker!) to vote for me, too. (That link, once again is here.)
Whew. That’ s over. If you’ve voted, thank you—truly. Winning is important—not for me– but because winning would enable me to do more of what I love most about my work: communicate with people like yourselves. You make my work infinitely rewarding.
Frances Cole Jones